Frequently Asked Questions

Please take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions.
Don't worry, carbon offsetting can be quite technical - so if you have any further questions not answered below, please do not hesitate to email us at:
Questions about Carbon Neutral Britain™
In the UK – the average charity spends 75% of their budget on programmes, and 25% on all other costs. As leaders in Climate Action we have taken one step further.
80% of our subscription budget goes directly towards our tree planting and offsetting projects, and the remaining 10% goes to administrative costs, and 10% on fundraising and marketing – helping us grow the number of customers and our impact.
Trust and Transparency is a core value of our organisation, and as a result customers receive updates on the exact projects funded to show our impact and exactly how it has been spent.
Our offices are based in Bank, in the City of London.
If you would like to meet for business related enquiries please email
Carbon Neutral Britain™ subscription service was launched in September 2020 with a vision to make carbon offsetting simple and available to the public.
However, our enviornmental consultants have many years professional experience in carbon offsetting and environmental change - with over 50 years of combined relevant experience.
We have had a overwhelmingly positive response from a huge number of our clients since our launch which can be found here.
Each review is verified and all reviews are shown.
Questions about Subscriptions
Yes of course!
All our subscriptions are set up monthly on a rolling basis, so you can log onto your account and cancel your subscription anytime.
If you would like to change your address, update or change your card at any time, please log into your account and these can be amended online.
If you are having any issues please email us on
Of course you can - many of our customers want to offset more than just their carbon footprint to become carbon positive.
We do have a Carbon Neutral Plus subscription to offset an even higher amount - but if you would like to offset more then you can simply add two or more subscriptions to your card upon checkout.
Of course you can!
All of our subscriptions can be purchased as a gift. To do this, please make your purchase and then email us at with your full name and email, and the full name and email of who you have purchased a subscription for. If you would like them to receive their welcome email on a specific date, please also request this in the email.
Once we have received your email we will change the account into their name so they receive their welcome email (on the date requested) - as if they had just made the purchase themselves. They will also receive all ongoing updates of our projects via email.
As you have paid for the subscription, you will be able to log on and cancel the payments at any time.
All subscriptions are set up monthly, and will debit on the same date each month that you made your original purchase.
For example - if you set up your subscription on the 20th of the month, the subscription will debit on the 20th of each month until it is cancelled. Unfortunately due to the large number of subscribers each day - we cannot change the date once you have subscribed.
Questions about Carbon Offsetting and Tree Planting
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) list carbon offsetting as one of the most impactful ways to tackle climate change.
Increased Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) emissions in the atmosphere are one of the biggest causes of global warming and so by offsetting your carbon footprint - with projects to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere, you can balance out your emissions to become Carbon Neutral.
We can make a difference with small changes to our lifestyle – changing our energy provider and usage, changing what we eat, looking at our plastics use and recycling, changing how and when we travel, as well as many others. However, we cannot stop our carbon footprint completely, and in many cases, large purchases such as electric cars and solar devices are not affordable for everyone.
By becoming carbon neutral, you can offset all the emissions you cannot stop completely - cheaply and effectively - making a positive impact on the climate crisis.
Despite what many people think, Carbon Offsetting is a very heavily regulated industry with billions of pounds being spent each year by businesses and countries on regulated Carbon Markets.
All of our carbon offsetting projects are certified to the highest standards through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes.
As the three largest, and most regulated offsetting standards in the world - we do not select any project that is not regulated this way as it ensures all of the money spent goes directly to the offsetting initiatives supported. This also ensures the measurements, and tonnes of CO₂ are accurate, and verified. We strongly recommend avoiding any offsetting projects that do not follow these standards.
To qualify for these standards, all projects go through a rigorous and public registration and issuance process, third party audit and are overseen by the CDM Executive Board (appointed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), ratified by the Kyoto Protocol. Regulated and verified, the international carbon credits that we use are exactly the same credits as those used by multinational organisations, and even countries in their emission reduction schemes around the world.
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes have strict measures in place to ensure each project is doing what it is set out to achieve.
This is monitored by third part audits by the Carbon Standards themselves, as well as the host-country national authorities who oversee national implementation.
Official Statistics from Defra, published on the website, state that the average British Emissions are 12-14 Tonnes of CO₂ per person, per year. This is also similar to figures published by the WWF, and other environmental organisations around the world.
Within this figure flights are included, with the average person flying 1 medium/long distance return flight per year, or up to 3 short distance return flights per year. Car Travel - including commuting to work in a medium sized petrol car is also included.
Lifestyle choices and what we do are very important to our carbon footprint and emissions - but in many cases the impact on your overall emissions are less than you think. Lifestyle changes such living a meat free diet, changing your travel methods, buying sustainable and eco-friendly products and looking at your energy usage and provider add up to around 1-3 Tonnes of CO₂ per year.
By Carbon Offsetting, you will make a bigger difference, in an affordable way with your subscription each month.
For £6.99 per month we ensure you can Become Carbon Neutral and offset 15 Tonnes of CO₂ per year.
If you simply want to make a bigger impact - or if you drive and/or fly significant amounts each year for £10.99 per month you can Become Carbon Neutral Plus and offset 20 Tonnes of CO₂ per year.
Ultimately we have chosen ease of impact over precision for individuals emissions - as our mission is to help Britain make an impact in the most simple and effective way possible.
Lifestyle choices and what we do are very important to our carbon footprint and emissions - but in many cases the impact on your overall emissions are less than you think.
Lifestyle changes such living a meat free diet, changing your travel methods, buying sustainable and eco-friendly products and looking at your energy usage and provider add up to around 1-3 Tonnes of CO₂ per year.
Within our Carbon Neutral Subscription, 15 Tonnes of CO₂ are offset - which is more than the British average figure of 12-14 Tonnes of CO₂ per year. This ensures moderate travel is more than covered.
Within this figure flights are included, with the average person flying 1 medium/long distance return flight per year, or up to 3 short distance return flights per year. Car Travel - including commuting to work in a medium sized petrol car is also included.
If you simply want to make a bigger impact - or if you drive and/or fly significant amounts each year for £10.99 per month you can Become Carbon Neutral Plus and offset 20 Tonnes of CO₂ per year.
To see exactly where our trees are planted, please check out our reforestation, planting, and woodland management projects on Our Projects page.
Around 10% of our planting is located in Britain, but the majority is spent in locations around the world which have a bigger impact due to the faster growing species, lower cost and larger tree sequestration (carbon capture).
As responsible reforestation, all trees planted are native species to ensure it benefits the local wildlife and biodiversity.
All reforestation, planting, and woodland management projects through the VCS, VER and CER programmes have sustainable action plans with risk management in the case of fire, wind, drought/flood, pest/disease or human involvement. For all of the trees planted there is a strict time period (in many cases of up to 30 years or more), where the trees are protected. This ensures the species grow and have a measured tree sequestration (carbon absorbing) period during maturity.
The average cost for an individual to purchase a Tonne of CO₂ through VCS, VER or CER programmes is over 20 USD.
However, as a large organisation buying credits in volume across different carbon markets around the world, we are able to purchase credits at a much lower rate than the average consumer – which allows us to charge such a low monthly cost to our customers. Focussing on projects in Britain, but also internationally allow us to get the best value as the costs of projects vary depending on the location, and offset type (tree planting, wind, solar etc).
The carbon offset ‘vintage’ is also a big factor to our successful impact. In some cases offsetting projects run for several years, with not all of their credits being bought each year – allowing small quantities of cheaper credits to be found and purchased.
You can find detailed information on all the projects you are funding on 'Our Projects' page. As a subscriber you will also receive regular updates of the exact projects you are funding each month.
Potentially, yes!
Due to the higher impact, the majority of the projects that we fund are in developing countries around the world. As a result, it might be tricky to pay them a visit! However, if there is a project you are particularly interested in, we are more than happy to put you in contact with the relevant organisers.