Burgos Wind farm Project - Philippines


The Burgos Wind Project is the largest wind farm in the Philippines, and also considered to be one of the largest wind farms in South East Asia. It is located in one of the best areas in the country to generate clean energy from wind. The 150-MW facility has fifty (50) Vestas V90 wind turbines, each with a rated capacity of 3 MWs. The wind farm has a substation which is connected to a 43 KM 115 kV Transmission Line to the Laoag substation of the grid operator, the NGCP (National Grid Corporation of the Philippines).


The Project complies with all local and national environmental policies. The Project maintains and monitors strict compliance to standards on land use, water and waste disposal, and noise monitoring. More importantly, the Burgos Wind Farm produces clean energy and displaces generation from other sources that contribute pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions to the environment. The Burgos Wind Team likewise leads projects and initiatives with the local governments and communities that promote the protection of the environment. Engaging and empowering the community is a critical objective of the Project. In fact, the team hosts a local radio program that discusses various topics with the local community, mostly on the protection and promotion of the environment.


During construction, the Burgos Wind Farm generated a significant number of jobs. Now in its operations stage, it continues to benefit the local communities. The Project also complies with all the national and local regulations on fees and taxes. Proceeds from the share of the local government have helped improve the communities. The Burgos Wind Team actively leads initiatives that help the livelihood of communities, partner with local government agencies, and respond to the needs of the residents in times of disasters.


  • United Nations Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs)
  • Wind
  • Asia
  • Philippines
  • CP2
  • Block start: PH-5-3288821-2-2-0-7980     
  • Block end: PH-5-3918775-2-2-0-7980
Sustainable Development Co-Benefits
  • Natural Resources
  • Education
  • Jobs
  • Growth

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